Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

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Madame Marissa was so mad that she had to take out her anger on toys. She did this because she did not want to continue being mad. She had to ensure that all went well and that is why she opted to cruelly use her high heels to crush them. She did it angrily and destroyed them in no time. By the time she was done, she had had a lot of fun.

Madame Marissa wanted to crush toys with her high heels and that is exactly what she did. It was fun for her as she had never tried it before. The mistress enjoyed smoking as she used her high heels to destroy the inflatable toys and within no time, she had managed to destroy them all and they were all unusable after what she did to them. They were not even repairable.

Madame Marissa was so mad at her husband that she chose to crush this toy to take out her anger. She did not want to take the anger out on her husband and that is why she chose to do it on the toy. She did not want to talk to anyone and least of all her husband while she was angry as it would have made things worse than they were.

Madame Marissa wanted to crush these toys and she was so pissed that she did not have the time to do it with her feet as she knew it would take her a little time to fully accomplish want she wanted. She had her car with her and she felt that it would take her a shorter time to do what she wanted and that is why she did it.

Madame Marissa needed to pass a message and she did so using her high heels. She made sure that this guy learned his lesson the hard way and so she used her toy crush fetish to pass a message. The guy had to watch as she crushed the toys and she warned him that he risked suffering the same fate if he did not change his ways. He did.

Madame Marissa needed to make sure this guy knew that if he messed up, he would be made to pay for it. That is why she opted to make him pay for what he had done as he had ignored her instructions and her warnings. The mistress crushed him painfully and made sure he would never ignore her again given the kind of pain he felt as she trampled and crushed him.

Madame Marissa had a lot of time on her hands and she wanted to use that time to have fun. But she did not know what to do. As she was looking for what to do, she came across toy crush fetish and she felt it was something worth trying. So she took some stuffed animals and she had fun crushing them with her ass as well as with her sneakers.

When this mistress got angry, she took out her anger on a teddy bear. That was the closest item to her and she did not waste any time crushing it. She did not care what happened to it as it was an inanimate object. When she was done, the mistress left it there and did not bother to collect it. She instructed her slave in the house to go and collect it and dispose of it.

Madame Marissa was angry because of what had happened at the office. Her boss was the cause and since she could not talk back to him, she had to get her anger out somehow. She did this by crushing a toy with her boots. She did this so as not to take out her anger on someone who did not deserve it. The mistress calmed down after what she crushed it.

Madame Marissa could not believe that her grown up slave still played with toys. She thought it was something he would get bored with and give up in a couple of days but it did not come to pass. She was shocked and knew she had to step in and rectify the issue. So she crushed and destroyed the toy planes totally because she had no other way to do it.

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