Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

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Mistress Amber needed to communicate her feelings and she did so using her toy crush fetish. The mistress felt that she had to do it in a different way and that is exactly what she did. The mistress took some toys and she crushed them for fun as this guy watched and she told him that she would do the same to him if he continued to piss her off.

Madame Marissa wanted to crush toys with her high heels and that is exactly what she did. It was fun for her as she had never tried it before. The mistress enjoyed smoking as she used her high heels to destroy the inflatable toys and within no time, she had managed to destroy them all and they were all unusable after what she did to them. They were not even repairable.

Mistress Emila wanted to crush toys with her sneakers and she did it because she did not have anything better to do. The mistress had never done it before and she liked it so much that she wondered why she it had taken her that long to do it. The mistress enjoyed herself so much and she did it over and over again. It was a lot of fun for her.

Mistress Sarah realized that her son had outgrown his toy truck and he no longer needed it. She did not have any other child who could play with it and so she did not need it. She decided to crush it and have fun destroying it which she did in the backyard. It was a lot of fun for her and she had a great time doing it. It helped her pass time.

Madame Marissa needed to make sure this guy knew that if he messed up, he would be made to pay for it. That is why she opted to make him pay for what he had done as he had ignored her instructions and her warnings. The mistress crushed him painfully and made sure he would never ignore her again given the kind of pain he felt as she trampled and crushed him.

Lady Tassia loves to try new things and today was one of those days for her. She was bored and without anything better to do, she chose to use her toy crush fetish to keep herself occupied. That is why she took some toys outdoors and she crushed them with her strong feet. She even crushed some in her bathtub as she took a bath. They kept her occupied as she wanted.

These mistresses had never crushed anything before for fun. They were out to try toy crush fetish and so they came with some toy cars and they had fun crushing them. The mistresses could not believe how much fun they had doing something that seemed mundane. They realized that they could now crush bigger things and so they set their sights on that. They still wanted to do it all together.

Goddess Lena gets angered easily and to avoid taking out her anger on someone who did not deserve it, she bought a lot of toys which she takes her anger out on. Today she got home totally mad and she crushed her toy planes using her high heels. After some time, she calmed down and her anger had subsided and she could think properly about the issue that had made her mad.

Mistress Tamara felt that her son had outgrown his toys and since she was not having any more children, she felt that she had to use them for some fun which she did by crushing them. The mistress did this with her high heels and it was a lot of fun. She created a mess but she had to make sure she cleaned it all up before he came back home from school.

This mistress felt that her house was too congested and so she used her high heels to crush all manner of things she felt like crushing. She did it as she wanted to destroy it all. The mistress found toys and since she did not need them anymore, she chose to crush and destroy them and then throw them away, which is what she did. It helped more than she thought it would.

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