Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

All articles tagged with "Madame Marissa"

Madame Marissa wanted to try toy crush. The mistress also wanted to test her ass. She wanted to find out whether she could do it successfully so that she could tell whether she would be able to pull off facesitting on her boyfriend. So madame Marissa used model houses as her toys of choice and she ass sat on them and ass crushed them for her own fun and enjoyment.

Madame Marissa is an introvert. She does not like to go out or to mingle with other people. She prefers to spend time by herself. Today for some reason she was bored and she had to find something to do. So she bought a few toys and she spent her time crushing them. She was not sure how it would go down but she was surprised at how much fun she had.

Madame Marissa was bored at home and she decided to have some fun by destroying some things she did not need in her house. She went around the house checking what could be destroyed and crushed and she came across toy cars. She did not need them so she crushed them using her boots and it was a lot of fun as she did it without caring about the mess she created.

Madame Marissa knew that her slave was a clean freak and she wanted to shock him and humiliate him. She knew the best thing to do was to create a mess like he had never seen before. So she took some chocolates and she crushed them using her boots. She mixed them with some saliva and made a paste. She then asked him to not only clean the mess but to lick it as well.

Madame Marissa had a bad day at the office. Almost everything had gone terribly wrong and she was the one to blame. When she got home, she was so angry that she took out her anger on the toys she found in the house. She used her high heels to crush and destroy them. She did not care about creating a mess in the house. But it helped her calm down.

Madame Marissa loves to crush but she did not have anything to crush. As she looked for something to crush, she came across some toys. She chose to crush them with her car as she had never done that before. She had a great time destroying them and she enjoyed it since it was a new experience. She planned to crush other things using her car and compare the experiences.

Madame Marissa found the toys her son had outgrown. She found them in the basement and she knew they were not useful anymore. So she did the next best thing which was to have one final use for them. She kept herself busy with them and had fun crushing them. She used her high heels to crush and destroy them. She then threw away the mess before her son came home.

Madame Marissa was pissed to learn that kids liked to leave their toys in her drive way. She was tired of taking them back to them and she began to crush and destroy them. She did that today as she crushed the toy planes with her boots. She made sure they were totally destroyed before she took them and she threw them in the trash where they could find them.

Madame Marissa has a thing for crushing and she did it today with toy cars. She had never crushed toy cars before. She preferred to crush people. But she had a lot of fun doing it today. She, however, created a huge mess as she crushed the toys. She did not worry about it as she went out and came back with a loser who cleaned up after her before she trampled him and send him away.

Madame Marissa tried to crush these toys but she could not easily destroy them. They were made of tough material and she struggled to crush and destroy them. She could not let it go so she took them outside and she lined them up before she crushed them with her car. Her car was heavier so it crushed them all in seconds. She felt satisfied and she left the mess there.

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