Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

All articles tagged with "Madame Marissa"

Madame Marissa was told by her friends that crushing very small toy cars was the hardest because they tended to be stronger. So when she was driving, she came across a few of them. She pulled over and went to where they are. She used her high heels to crush them. They were hard at first but she was determined and within a matter of minutes, she had managed to crush them.

Madame Marissa has a great time with her crush fetish as she goes out to a secluded road to smash some toy cars with her high heels. The cars are valuable collectibles and it makes her feel even more satisfied when she smashes them under her feet. She acts like she is a giant as she crushes them into pieces and stomps on them scattering them all over the road.

Madame Marissa loves to feel like a giantress as she satisfies her toy crush fetish. She has some sexy high heel boots on and uses them to crush a toy bus. She even takes out the little toy man inside the bus and crushes him into pieces all over the floor. She is not happy until the toy isn't even recognizable as it lies in pieces all over the floor.

Madame Marissa is a crush fetish queen and loves to stomp anything she can into pieces all over the floor. Today she has on some jeans and red sneakers. She puts a giant toy truck in the floor and it seems too strong for her to crush, but she is a professional. She stands on top of it with her full weight and it starts to break and she keeps stomping until it's crushed.

Toy crush fetish babe Madame Marissa looks sexy in her short dress and high heel boots as she sits down playing with her toy train. The toy train is working but it's not going to be working for very long. She starts stomping on it with her high heel boots like she was a giant. She really gets off on stomping all over the train and leaving it in pieces.

Madame Marissa has a toy crush and a food crush fetish but she never seems to be able to crush the food and toys flat enough for her tastes. That's why she decides to use her car this time. She goes outside and lays several toys and food out on the pavement. Each time she lays out a toy, she crushes it under the tire of her car until there is a mess on all over the ground.

Madame Marissa has a toy crush fetish and loves to use her flats, high heels and bare feet to crush them. She uses inflatables so she won't hurt her feet but she sure puts a hurting on the toys. She has several toys lying all over the floor and steps all over them with her shoes and bare feet. She even comes crashing down on one with her sexy ass flattening it.

There are toy cars spread all over the floor and Madame Marissa has some big wedge heels on. It's time for her to play giantress and crush these cars under her full weight. She looks so cute in her mask as she gets off on smashing these metal cars into the floor. By the time she finishes walking all over them, they are smashed into pieces all over the floor.

Madame Marissa ordered for something online and instead got a set of toys in the box. She was so freaking mad that she forgot about returning them. Instead, she crushed them and destroyed them with her feet. She used her high heels to crush the toys and they were destroyed in a matter of seconds. She then went and bought what she wanted physically without having to order for anything online.

Madame Marissa wanted to punish her nephew. He had been a bad boy and she wanted to discipline him. She knew she could not beat him up so she destroyed his favorite toys instead. She did it as he watched to show that there are consequences to being an indisciplined boy. She crushed his toys and destroyed them as she smothered and smashed them. The kid learned his lesson the hard way since he was told he will not get new ones until he behaved.

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