Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

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Mistress Sarah realized that her son had outgrown his toy truck and he no longer needed it. She did not have any other child who could play with it and so she did not need it. She decided to crush it and have fun destroying it which she did in the backyard. It was a lot of fun for her and she had a great time doing it. It helped her pass time.

This mistress was under a lot of stress and she chose to take it out on something. She did it because she did not want to take it out on someone who did not deserve it and she was afraid that that was what would happen if she did not take care of it immediately. That is why the mistress chose to crush toys and take out her anger on them and relieve her stress.

Mistress Faiza wanted to crush and destroy her son's toy car and she did it with her wooden clogs. She knew the toy car was no match for her clogs and she was right. The minute she put her foot on it and added her weight to it, it crushed and flatted in seconds. She laughed at all the mess she had created but she cleaned it to avoid him coming and seeing it.

Mistress Lea loves to send messages and today she sent a message to this guy that she was not the kind of person who tolerated any nonsense. That is why she chose to take his toys and she crushed them as he watched. He could not believe it and actually thought he was dreaming until she slapped him. He realized it was all happening but he could not do anything about it.

While most mistresses crush teddy bears out of anger, these mistresses did it for fun. They had nothing better to do with their time and so they chose to spend their time crushing the teddy bear. They used high heels to do it for them to be able to crush it better and do more damage to it. After some time, they had done a lot of damage and destroyed it completely.

Mistress Sophia needed to crush a toy and she had a toy plane in hand. She did not hesitate to do it and that is why she took it outside so that when she crushed it, she would not be bothered by the mess she created in the process. That way, she would have fun while doing it and the resultant mess would be someone else's problem to deal with.

This kid was badly behaved and goddess Chanel did not like it. The mistress felt that he had to be punished and she used her high heels to crush the kid's doll as punishment. The mistress watched as she cried and asked her to buy for her a new doll. The mistress agreed to buy a new doll but only if she behaved better and changed. The little girl changed.

Mistress Anfisa wanted to tease her man as he loved her ass and he was always done for whatever as long as it involved her ass. Today she used her big ass in jeans to tease her man. He watched as she used her ass to sit on a toy and crush it. The mistress tried to ride the toy and told him to imagine that the toy was his dick that she was riding.

When this mistress was cheated on, she had to show her boyfriend why it was a mistake to do that. She invited her friend to help her destroy his things. So they went to his house and they crushed a lot of items from toys to electronic gadgets. They then left and he came home to a huge mess which he immediately knew who had done it as well as why.

Lady Scarlet wanted to have toys for emotional control. She gets worked up easily and she needed something to make him exhale and take out her anger. So she bought a few toys and she used them for that purpose. She would then crush them whenever she was angry and by the time she was done crushing them, she would feel better and her anger would be gone. That way she would not transfer it to someone else.

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