Toy Crush

Hot girls crushing toys

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Lady B crushed this stuffed animal because she does not like them. Someone played a prank on her and threw it in her house to make her freak out. But she did not and instead, she got mad. She had had a bad day at work and she released her stress on the stuffed animal. The toy could not stand the might of her strong feet and was destroyed in seconds.

Lady B found this abandoned RC car while she was taking a stroll. She tried to locate the owner but could not find hi or her. So she took it home and crushed it. She has a crush fetish and when she finds stuff like these, she enjoys crushing them. She wore her sneakers and used them to crush the toy car till it was completely and utterly destroyed. It created a huge mess.

Madame Marissa wanted to punish her nephew. He had been a bad boy and she wanted to discipline him. She knew she could not beat him up so she destroyed his favorite toys instead. She did it as he watched to show that there are consequences to being an indisciplined boy. She crushed his toys and destroyed them as she smothered and smashed them. The kid learned his lesson the hard way since he was told he will not get new ones until he behaved.

Lady B wanted to teach this little kid a lesson. She could not reason with him logically but she knew where to go to if he proved adamant. She took his favorite toy car and she crushed it with her skates. It did not take her long to have the toy car all a mess and in a bundle of garbage. She told him she would keep doing it till he changed.

Lady B has a crush fetish. She specifically loves to crush toys. She buys them just so she can crush them. While others buy them as gifts for children, she buys them so that her merciless feet can destroy them completely. Today she had bought toy cars and she used her new high heels to crush them. She did in record time because within a few seconds, all that was left was a heap of garbage.

Christin was in a bad mood. The minute she set foot in the house, she began to crush everything she could find on site.

Marissa was taking a walk when she saw toy cars. She did not even look to see who they belonged to. They reminded her of little brats she had seen misbehaving. She was wearing her high heel boots and did not waste time crushing them. She wished that they belonged to one of the little brats. She crushed them and within minutes, there was a mess as they were all in pieces. That will serve the brats right and teach them a lesson.

After a long day of posing for magazine spreads, she is happy to be home. She has a run in her sexy pair of black stockings and is a bit upset about it. Instead of staying angry, she grabs a pretty pink car to crush. She kept on her sexy heels starts walking on it. When she is ready to destroy it, takes her shoes off and stomps it completely.

When Lady B decides to play with dolls, she knows what she is going to do. She grabs a new doll and puts on her boots. She is happy to put the doll on the floor and walk all over it. She knows that it seems cruel but she loves stepping all over a doll and knowing that someone else is wishing they could play with her. She loves using her control over the doll and someone else's happiness.

These christballs had become an eyesore to Lady B so she decided to do away with them. And the best way how for her was to crush them with her feet because they could not stand her weight

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